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Read what other patients have said about us:

Yvonne Moskovits, Corona, CA

I was really impressed by the staff and available technology at Family Dental. Being a new patient, I didn't know what to expect. They were very friendly and accommodating and sensitive to my needs. Their office reflects a very progressive office in their equipment and methods. They have adopted higher quality standards in choosing the materials they utilize on their patients that are proven more safer for a more successful outcome. My first visit was very positive and painless. I would recommend them to anyone. -------Yvonne M.

Bob Roberts, Corona

A Family Dental Practice has a very friendly Dental staff. They really care about the patient. I have been a patient there for many years.

Rose keshawarz, corona

My experience of each step of evaluation, documention and result of cleaning was the best I've ever experienced. Every one was friendly and professional. The dentist Dr. Suhail Beguwala was gentle and he explained along the way what was happening and how much longer it would before he was finished. Glad I found Dr. Suhail. I would highly recommend this dental office.